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    What Can an

    Intimacy Consultant Do?

    A Cultural Sensitivity Consultant can help a theatre company or production team plan for scenes that may involve sensitive and/or activating material(s). Cultural Sensitivity Consultations are meant to educate theatre and film makers to give them tools to work on scenes safely.

  • Cultural Sensitivity Consultations

    Best Practices for Theatre or Film

    As our industry standards evolve, it can be tough to always keep up with new ideas that may clash with old ones. This training can help your organization learn new Best Practices for Theatre or Film to help create better spaces for everyone involved.

    This includes setting up better protocols for Audition and Job Notices, reporting protocals/forms, and creating better spaces for artists to work.

    Script Review

    Do you have a script or several you're considering for your season? Hire me to read it over and advise you on the requirements of the script and ideas about possible requests for your production surrounding intimacy.

    Auditions and Cultural Sensitivity

    Audition calls are the Actors first glance into what they may audition for. It's important to not only have clear information listed in the Audition Breakdown, but information at the audition itself.

    Can you have the Actors engage in any moments involving things that may fall under the umbrella of Cultural Sensitivity in the audition process? This consultation will help you determine Best Practices around Cultural Sensitivity and Auditions.

    Content Warnings

    Content Warnings can be tricky not only to write, but where do you put them? How long should they be? What if they include spoilers about the plot? This consultation can help you determine what may be best for your company and potential audience members.

    Cultural Sensitivity Workshops

    Building Community Standards

    Community Standards in Theatre and Film can be an overview of the entire company, and added ones for specific productions. Best practices of Community Standards should be updated periodically. Examples fo why Community Standards may be updated: leadership change, new company members, culture change, remove old/harmful practices and ideas, etc.

    Bringing in an outsider with up-to-date training can be a good way to facilitate and support everyone in your space. You can also develop a space to have a container or Community Standards for a specific production.

    Length: 2-4 hours. Minimum/Maximum Amount of Participants: 4/50. (In-person only.)

    Emotionally Intelligent Communication

    Our work moves quickly and is attached to artists who are passionate about their craft. Sometimes personalities can clash, but ‘the show must go on.’ How can we do this in an effective way without burning relationships or hurting feelings?

    Training your staff and creatives and/or bringing someone in with skills around Emotional Intelligent Communication can help all involved communicate better with the goal of finding a solution together.

    Length: 3-4 hours.Minimum/Maximum Amount of Participants: 4/50. (In-person only.)

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